Lori The Dame
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Dame Lori’s clients shift their core being and personal power, becoming more alive and experiencing expanded sensuality and joy. Some women transition into a new career, while others embark on a new relationship. Some leave a faded marriage, and others reignite what felt dead. Even ridding a closet of outdated clothing invites a new way of thinking and feeling. Dame Lori guides her clients on their own unique odyssey.

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Tziporah Salamon
Stylist, Performer

I want to be Dame Lori when I grow up!

Kira Citron

Beauty is often written off as the fluff of life but Lori’s unashamedly sees beauty from a 360 perspective: it is part of a woman’s foundation of who she is and who she wants to be. Lori opens women to their power by showing them how to access their souls’ gifts. Lori is well-versed in fashion and style — yet her life-changing soul access is one of a kind.

Regena Thomashauer
Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts

If she gives you one tenth the love and support that she has given to me and the School of Womanly Arts, she will change your life forever.

Kitty Cavalier
Author, Sensuality Coach & Founder of Club Macaron

Just being in Dame Lori's presence is like a coaching session in itself. Her spellbinding style, wry sense of humor, down to earth nature, and genuine, loving heart are just some of the things that make her truly, TRULY one of a kind!

Adrianne Ryan

Lori is a vibrant goddess of light, vision, creativity and passion who brings out the best in everyone she meets. I am profoundly grateful for her inspiring presence in my life.

Denise Gaffney
Owner, Denise Gaffney CPC

My coaching partnership with Lori opened my own personal portal to Pleasure. Our work together opened my eyes to the world around me, my opportunities and spurred my personal and professional growth. I am forever in gratitude to this wonderful woman.

Rev. Don Egan
Christ Our Saviour Lutheran Church

In a world that is moving from a capitalist economy to a capitalist society where everything is up for sale, I landed in a small world where a tribe of women live with a conscience in their work and in their bodies and their minds last evening. I smile. The world can work in alternative realities. Small tribes everywhere can radically change our capitalist system from authoritative to collaborative. From unsustainable to sustainable, to conscious choices about how we take care of the earth, people, and beasts. And live in beauty beyond just fashion but beauty that connects all of us. I got a taste of what the future can look like last night. Thank you for your gift to me and to others who attended your event. 

As I said, there is something wonderful about walking in a room where judgement is left at the door and people are free to be outrageous in their self expression. You have opened the doors for people to see greatness in themselves by sharing their gifts.


Dr. Christiane Northrup

You ARE all that!! You ARE sustainable, pleasurably, eco-luxury that is accessible for women and men of all ages. You are NOT scary. Many of these fashion people are terrifying and belittling, particularly for anyone who isn't built like a fashion model.

I'm SO glad you're on Earth.

Abbey LeVine
Partner + Head of Content at Swirl Studios

Lori works in magical, unexplainable ways with completely scalable results. She has helped me grow both my non-profit, Spread the Sparkle and my digital content agency, Swirl Studios. There is only one Dame. If you're looking for someone outrageous and relatable, she's the one.

Tara Dixon
Painter, Gratitude Designs

Dame Lori has the intuitive knack for observing, listening, and calling forth her vision. She intrigues. She inspires. She amazes.

Eric Hagmueller
Director of Retail, New York City Opera

Dame Lori is the ultimate seductress, able to conjure the unimaginable and produce a final result that is stunning!

Joanne Porzio
Writer, Sensual Coach

Lori is an artist. Through her Soul Styling she saw the goddess within me and patiently, lovingly uncovered her unique expression in my new wardrobe until I was set free.

Betsy Blankenbaker
Filmmaker, Humanitarian

Lori's "turn-on" is contagious. She's the ultimate cheerleader.

Donna LeBlanc
Intuitive Psychotherapist

Lori has a very special gift for not only bringing out the beauty but in helping others squeeze every bit of juice out of life.

Scott Hess
MFA, Director of Communications, Barrier Free Living

Lori’s is an amazing source of creativity, ceaseless giving, boundless energy and bright light. What a gift she has been through the years in her service to barrier free living, and the survivors of domestic violence with disabilities that we serve. Bravo Dame Lori!

Susan Coleman
Founder/Principal, global LLC

Lori has changed my life and the impact I have on my clients and global mission. She has connected me to my beauty, divinity, radiance and power.

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