Lori The Dame
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Are you bored and frustrated? Do you feel like there could be more to life?

Do you yearn to experience joy? To feel sexy? Be fearless? Have fun and pleasure? Live abundantly?

Do you wish for a life where you are MORE than enough?

Welcome to a new stage of your journey!


Welcome to your own heroine’s journey, a journey to a new abundance. A journey to joy, delight, beauty, inner peace, humor, play, sensuality, and yes, pleasure.  

Welcome to your life odyssey.

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What people are saying:

Just being in Dame Lori's presence is like a coaching session in itself. Her spellbinding style, wry sense of humor, down to earth nature, and genuine, loving heart are just some of the things that make her truly, TRULY one of a kind!

Kitty Cavalier, Author, Sensuality Coach and founder of Club Macaron

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Dame Lori guides women to see and embrace their true desires and helps make them come true.
